After a 2 years designing websites for universities at a higher education agency, I am seeking opportunities in other industries to further grow my skills.

Meanwhile, I’ve become more active, picking up activities such as running, weightlifting, HIIT, and the occasional game of pickleball with friends. My goal is to participate in HYROX, a fitness race testing strength and endurance, some time next year.

I’m currently working to create a local women's sports and recreation club for women of all activity levels. My goal is to build community, meet new people and create life long friendships. If you’d like to help you can participate in my survey ☺️.

I’m a decently active member of where I’ve befriended other designers and developers online—even sending each other snail mail.

The /now page was an idea by Derek Sivers. Read more about it at Nownownow.

read more about me on ilovecreatives →

currently listening

currently watching

abbot elementary
the sympathizer

currently subscribed to

currently learning

currently reading